The game show Deal or No Deal is about a contestant selecting a case from a set of numbered briefcases, each containing a different amount of money. The contestant’s goal is to win the cash in their case, while also avoiding the offer from the banker to buy the case for a lower amount.

Here’s how the game works: 

Choose a case

At the start of the game, the contestant picks a case from a set of 26.

Eliminate cases

The contestant then chooses cases to remove from play, one at a time, until they’ve eliminated six. The amount in each case is revealed as it’s opened. 

Banker’s offer

After the sixth case is opened, the banker makes an offer to buy the contestant’s case. The offer is based on the amounts remaining in play and the contestant’s demeanor.

Accept or reject

The contestant can accept the offer by saying “deal” and pressing a red button, or reject it by saying “no deal” and closing a cover over the button. If the contestant accepts the offer, the game ends and they win the amount the banker offered. If they reject the offer, they continue playing.

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